Friday 10 September 2021

Recipe Round-Up: 1000 Vegan Recipes

Another little mini round up from 1000 Vegan Recipes from Robin Robertson. See the previous posts about this book here.

Savory Beans and Rice: These are savory both in that they are not sweet, but also the contained the dried savory herb. It was not a herb I was familiar with, but I chanced upon it at a deli one day so had to buy it as I knew it showed up in some of my cookbooks. This is a pretty simple dish of brown basmati rice and white beans, mixed with nutritional yeast and savory. I needed to cook for an extra 10 minutes for the rice to cook when I made it on a stove (these days I'd just make it in the rice cooker). Excellent with some extra nutritional yeast, and served over greens.
Rating: :)

Savory Beans and Rice

Polenta with Spicy Tomato Ragu: This uses the basic polenta recipe in the book as a base, and then tops it with a mushroom and marinara sauce based ragu. It is not super filling, but is very comforting. I had some leftovers of both, so I chilled the polenta into a round, fried it, and topped it with some leftover ragu that I had added some lentils to for a second meal another day.
Rating: :)

Poletna with Spicy Tomato Ragu

Polenta with Spicy Tomato Ragu

Cajun-Style Tofu: Tofu is sliced and seasoned with cajun seasoning, then pan fried. It is topped with a sauce based on tomatoes, celery, green onion, and it should have green capsicum but I just left that out. It has some nice flavours, and is good served over rice with a salad.
Rating: :)

Cajun-Style Tofu

Thai-Phoon Stir-Fry: This is diced tofu, pan fried, in a peanut butter based sauce with mushrooms and spinach. It is very saucy, which I am not complaining about, though the sauce could have used a little bit of lime in it to really make the flavours work best. This would also have been better with some extra vegetables added, I think broccoli and carrot would be great. It is garnished with thai basil, shredded coconut, and peanuts.
Rating: :)

Thai-Phoon Stir-Fry

(% 1000 Vegan Recipes blogged: 32.3%)

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post


My sweetest Sahara. Boo reminds me a bit of Sahara just in the way she explores and interacts with the world, though without Sahara's common sense and she is not as snuggly as Sahara was. So I've been thinking about Sahara a lot lately. Not that I ever don't think about her.


  1. The Thai-Phoon stir fry seems so good! But yes, broccoli and carrots and lime, mmm...

  2. This is the only Robin Robertson book that intimidates me because of the number of recipes. Everything you made looks great, so I'll have to check it out. Dim Sim and Sahara were such beautiful kitties!

    1. It's got so many recipes in there! I haven't used it much for a long time, because I have so many other books. I still have loads of photos to share from it, but I've also been making a few new things here and there. If you ever see something you would like the recipe for, let me know and I can sent it to you.
