I had some jarred horseradish leftover from some recipes I had made, and I discovered mashing it with avocado made for a delicious sandwich spread! Or in this case, Ryvita spread. Does Ryvita exist outside Australia? I don't know, but they are rectangular crackers made entirely out of rye (or sometimes mutli grains). I added some fresh tomato and some dill and garlic seasoning salt for a lovely summer snack.

Vegan frozen meals are becoming more available in the supermarkets, which is handy if you need a quick dinner and don't have any leftovers. This Ruffie one has schnitzel and pasta in a tomato-y sauce. The downside is it does have little bits of capsicum in the sauce that I needed to pick out. But served with some microwaved baby spinach and peas, and topped with some FYH parmesan, it made for a nice dinner.

I love these little mochi ice creams, even though they are made with coconut milk. It is not high enough in coconut fat to make me sick, and they are such fun little bites. I picked up the chocolate flavour, which was nice. Not the deepest chocolate flavour in an ice cream you can get, but it definitely hit that little chocoalte spot.

A quick dinner I made. Coles was about to discontinue these Beef Style Ravioli and replace them with lentil ravioli, and I was thankfully able to get a box to try before they were all gone. They were fine, I don't know if they were particularly beefy. The filling was maybe a little bit grainy. I just boiled them as directed, drained, and then put back over low heat with this pasta sauce, some baby spinach, and peas.

Behold these silly superfood powders I bought! I got them from Balanced Pantry, which has a deal where you can order a pack of three samples (your choice) with free shipping for $12.95. And I got two so I could get six different powders. They also have a tumermic powder that I didn't get, a 'beauty' one with pearl powder in it, and some detox weight-loss bullshit that I was never going to buy, as well as a selection of some that are just single superfood ingredients rather than a blend. Shockingly, even though these came last year, I have only used one to make one thing. Well, maybe not that shocking given that they came only a week before Dim Sim passed. I will have to remember where I stashed them, so that I can start amusing myself with making silly drinks.

When does a snackball become a dessert? These three are pushing those boundaries. Starting with the Beetroot Raspberry Brownie, this one is still your classic blend of seeds and dates, with some cocoa added as well as the titula beetroot and raspberry. The strawberry chocolate balls go one step further, adding some actual dark chocolate into the blend. Both are good, though the strawberry flavour is pretty subtle and could be stronger. I consider these more for morning tea or after lunch snacks, rather than something I'd start my day with. But that is my own personal preference. As for that Health Lab ball?? I didn't realise until I had opened it early one morning to have it as a pre-walk pre-breakfast snack that in fact it actually is a dessert. Peanut butter, surrounded by a a date/seed/etc ball, completely covered in a layer of chocolate! It was really nice, but something in the future I will definitely be saving for afternoon tea or an after dinner sweets. Again, just my personal preferences. If chocolate in the morning is your thing, go for it! Get some of these!