Tuesday, 18 September 2018

VeganMoFo 2018 #18: Menu: Quick & Easy Menu from The Vegan Lunch Box

I've had Vegan Lunch Box languishing on my shelf for a while. Written by someone who wanted to pack interesting vegan lunches for her school-age child, there are a lot of fun little combinations in here. Though they are designed for little people on a school day, so feeding this big person on a long work day often means I need to add or adjust things! The menus themselves aren't individually named, but are split up into several chapters. This menu comes from the Quick and Easy section of the book.

Components of this menu include
  • Vegan Deli Slice Roll-Ups
  • Corn Tires
  • Melon Balls
  • Pumpkin Carob Muffins

The corn tires and melon balls don't have recipes. Just slice up a cooked corn cob into little wheels, and ball up some melon. I didn't fuss with balling the melon, I just chopped it, and also added some blueberries.

Vegan Deli Slice Roll-Ups: Is this really a recipe? It is cute though. Blot off some vegan deli slices (I used Tofurky ham slices), spread with vegan cream cheese (I used Tofutti), and roll up. It is pretty fun. Just make sure to blot the slices off well, otherwise the cream cheese will slide right off.
Rating: :)

Vegan Deli Slice Roll-Ups

Pumpkin Carob Chip Muffins: Normally I am not a carob fan, but I had some random carob chips to use up so why not. I have made this recipe with both carob and chocolate chips, and I prefer the chocolate. I had some leftover tinned pumpkin, which is why I made them. I made a half recipe for six muffins. They are topped with some Perfect Cinnamon Sugar, which is the author's ideal cinnamon sugar ratio... I prefer mine with more cinnamon! They have a great flavour when baked, but I think tasted even better the next day! The cinnamon sugar gave a nice crunch on top as well.
Rating: :)

Pumpkin Caron Chip Muffins

Here is the completed lunch box! As you can see, I added some things. I always like to take a little box of cucumber and grape tomatoes for a vegetable snack and work every day, and I also added some prunes.

Vegan Lunch Box p38

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post

Gizmo and Sahara

Gizmo and Sahara's girl kitty band album cover. Slightly blurry because of art.


  1. Looks like a good lunch. I'm a big fan of cucumber and tomato!

    1. I love them as my veggie snack. I get these snackking tomatoes that a so full of flavour!

  2. The little deli slices with tofutti sound delicious. I just remembered I used to do that with the peppered tofurky.
    Looks like a fun lunch. Eating like a kid can be fun!

    1. Kids definitely have some super fun food!

  3. Oh, and best album cover ever!

  4. Got to be some awesome 80s power ballads on that album.

  5. Ah, the Vegan Lunch Box has a big soft spot for me, because it was one of my first vegan cookbooks. It won't surprise you that I cooked the Ethiopian recipes in it over and over again.

    In Iowa (and probably other places), those roll-ups are really popular with the addition of a pickle spear in the middle.

    1. Oh, I wish I had known about the pickles. That would have been so awesome to add in! I love pickles.

  6. I haven't gotten Vegan Lunch Box, but I have the sequal "Vegan Lunch Box Around the World"! I wasn't super impressed, but I should pick it up again and see if I get any ideas for Wolfie.

    1. I don't have her second one. This one is more fun than anything else. But definitely some cute lunch ideas for kids.
