Thursday, 16 July 2020

Midweek Munchies

I thought I might start this post not with food, but with some beautiful sunsets that Brisbane had a while ago. Just gorgeous.

Beautiful Sunset

Beautiful Sunset

But I know you are here for the food! Like this new vegan yoghurt I saw. I was excited that it was Oat based. It tasted OK, but had a weird texture, so I won't buy this brand again.

Oat Yoghurt

Another adventure in baked potatoes, this time with some leftover dal, and topped with some chutney and some natural soy yoghurt.

Baked Potato with Dal, Chutney, Yoghurt

I'd posted a while ago about some vegan cheese I bought, including this Laud's Melty Oat Cheese.

Laud's Melty Oat Cheese

I finally used it, and it was not bad once melted! This is a cheese that absolutely has to be melted to taste good, I tried a little bit as is from the fridge and it was not good. But melted, it tasted much better. I started out by making a quesadilla with some cheese and leftover hash, and then I topped it with some avocado and ketchup.

Quesadilla with Laud's Melty Oat Cheese and Leftover Hash

Quesadilla with Laud's Melty Oat Cheese and Leftover Hash

I also made a lovely Hawaiian pizza with it, using a mix of pizza and BBQ sauce on the base, chopped Tofurky ham slices, chopped pineapple, and sliced black olives (a crucial addition)... and I don't seem to have taken a photo of it. So just picture that in your mind. Plus I used it to make some lasagne, but that will be posted in a recipe round-up one day. I should note that the cheese from the fridge had a weird texture, it was a bit hard to grate because it was kind of like a soggy sponge? Seriously, the unmelted product does nothing to recommend itself. But once melted, all good!

The final thing I did with it was mix it into a lunch of leftover bits. Some leftover vegetable soup with some scraps of both firm and silken tofu crumbled in, the cheese melted through. Topped with some bacon bits. It was pretty good! Would it surprise you if I told you there was also a baked potato under there? I didn't think so.

Baked Potato with Vegie Soup Scrambled Tofu and Laud's Oat Melt Cheese

Moving on from cheese to some snicky snacks! This was a little range of goodies I got from the supermarket. I love the salt and vinegar roasted fava beans, they are crunchy and fun, as are the chocolate raspberry covered roasted chickpeas. So good. The dark chocolate covered mini rice cakes are always nice to have a round for a not too sweet treat. And finally, the Flats. These are slightly sweet, good for snacking on their own, but also very nice to use with dips as well.


I've already sung the praises of the Vegan Rob's Turmeric Crisps, but I wish to also add in how wonderful the Cauli Crisps are. So tasty, so snackable! You can't get these at the supermarket, so they are a precious purchase on the rare times I might veture to The Green Edge or other health food store.

Vegan Rob's Pringles

Finally, these disappointments. I bought these from The Green Edge right before going into isolation, so I was sort of anxiety and panic grabbing things. In my less that clear mental state, I for some reason thought that when they said corn crisps they meant corn chips, because I would be down for that salty sweet combination. Instead they are of course little crunchy corn puff things, like a really disappointing malteser, no taste crunch covered in a revoltingly sweet chocolate. But thankfully my dad liked them.

Snicky Snacks

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post

Dim Sim feets

Please enjoy this lovely bouquet of the very rare and exclusive Dim Sim Feetsies. In fact, only four such stems are known in existance, and these are them!


  1. I've never seen oat-based cheese and I don't know what to think of it. I've also had bad luck with grainy oat milk yogurt. There are things oat milk belongs in and things it doesn't! And yet I keep trying things. What even is wrong with me.

    1. What ever is wrong with you is also what is wrong with me. Because I too just keep on trying things. I guess because hope springs eternal?

  2. I've tried two different brands of oatmilk yogurt and haven't been a fan of either. Texture is a tricky thing with vegan yogurts!
    The sunsets are gorgeous!!
    I need to find those vegan Rob's pringle like chips!!!
    Kiss those little feetsies for me!!

    1. Oh, those feeties have been well kissed, and on your behalf as well!

  3. Omg feeeeeets!! So cute!! Love the idea of dal on baked potatoes. You're a potato genius! I love Vegan Rob's but haven't seen those. I'll have to find them because their puffs are SO GOOD.

    1. The Vegan Rob's pringles are just the best! I enjoy their puffs, but the pringles are my favourite. I hope you can find them.

  4. Such pretty sunsets!
    The Cauli Crisps sound really good!
    Look at those little paws, too cute!

    1. That evening my IG was full of Brisbane people posting photos of that sunset. It was quite breathtaking, photos don't really do it justice.
