Sunday 24 September 2023

Recipe Round-Up: Cookin' Crunk

Popping back with another post about Cookin' Crunk, by Bianca Phillips. See previous posts about this book here.

Mess o' Greens with Turnips and Granny's Corn Casserole: I rounded out this meal with some Field Roast meatloaf that was lingering in my freezer. The slowly simmered turnips were so lovely! I cannot get collard greens or mustard greens here. I probably should have gone for kale, but I took the easier option of baby spinach that I ended just in the last few minutes. The casserole was lovely and creamy (thanks to cream cheese). I left out the pimentos and chiles, and added some celery, to keep it mild.
Rating: Turnips :), Casserole :)

Granny's Corn Casserole; Mess o' Greens with Turnips; FR meatloaf, BBQ sauce

Seitan Beef Stew: This is great for cold weather! Instead of seitan, I used big TVP chunks that softened up wonderfully during cooking and absorbed all the flavour. I used baby spinach instead of kale for the greens.
Rating: :)

Seitan Beef Stew

Seitan Tips over Brown Rice: I used some beef-style strips in this recipe, which came together very quickly. I used carrot and celery instead of capsicum, as per usual. It also has mushrooms in it, and has a great savoury taste. I got three serves out of this, served over brown rice as instructed.
Rating: :)

Seitan Tips over Brown Rice

Eggplant and Sausage Jambalaya: I took the easy route with this recipe, and after sauteeing the vegetables I threw everything in the rice cooker (except the sausages) and forgot about it until dinner time, which was great! I used some Field Roast sausages, and zucchini instead of capsicum, and I also left out the spicy parts. The sausages are slices, sauteed, and added at the end.
Rating: :)

Eggplant & Sausage Jambalaya

Cheesy Broccoli-Rice Casserole: This lovely recipe combines mushrooms soup and cheesy sauce (both recipes are also in the book) for a great creamy outcome. You do need to have cooked brown rice for this recipe, so plan ahead. I decreased the amount of brown rice from two cups to one and a half cups because I was using some leftovers and that is what I had.
Rating: :)

Cheesy Broccoli-Rice Casserole

Creamy Tofu Chicken Pasta Bake: There is a great recipe for tofu chicken in the book, which is part of this recipe,though I did find the flavour of the tofu chicken got lost a bit once it was all baked. This also uses the mushroom soup recipe as a base, mixed with some diced tomatoes. It is topped with just nutritional yeast, which is great because I love it.
Rating: :)

Creamy Tofu Chicken Pasta Bake

I'd like to talk about something completely different at the end of this post - music! My favourite musician Jenny Owen Youngs has just released a new album called Avalanche, and it is INCREDIBLE. If you like beautiful, emotional music, please check it out. You will cry. You can stream it in all the streaming places, or you can buy it on Bandcamp!

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post


Mirabelle contemplating life from within a paper bag.


  1. I will buy and use other greens sometimes, and I know they're supposed to be better for me than spinach. But spinach is my absolute favorite and I would probably do what you did in that scenario!

    1. Baby spinach is just so much less effort as well!

  2. I had never heard of Jenny Owen Young - listened to some of her songs. Wow she is great! Thanks for the recommendation for a new fave artist! - Sri.

    1. Ahhh! This makes me so happy. Thanks for checking her out. She is incredible!
