Wednesday 20 September 2023

Midweek Munchies

Something that I have eaten.

This orange & ginger jam from St Dalfour was like a fancy marmalade, very nice. Enjoyed with peanut butter on toast, and in overnight oats.

Orange and Ginger Jam

In my efforts to find a non-stevia kombucha, I tried this Jiva watermelon and mint. Sounds lovely and refreshing, right? But somehow tastes awful. Thankfully their other flavours are much better.


Tried this new vegan schitzel that I found in the frozen aisle. The schnitzels themselves are huge! But it was pretty good. Served with mashed potatoes, steamed frozen green beans, and gravy.

Greens & Goodness Schnitzel

Forgive this awful photo. But there is a fairly new little Japanese grocery store at one of my local shops, and they sell vegan hojicha ice cream! Also black sesame and matcha flavours, but the hojocha is the best! It costs almost AU$18 for a 2L tub, so it is definitely on the pricier side, but I have paid almost that amount for a quarter of the amount of So Delicious ice cream back in the day, so everything is relative.

Hojicha Icecream

Veganaise is over. It not longer gets shipped to Australia, and I am bereft. It is really hard to find a decent mayo here, most of them tend towards being too sweet and too vinegary. Hellman's vegan mayo is now availabe in supermarkets, and it is the closest to Veganaise I have found.

Hellman Vegan Mayo

Made this tuscan meatball recipe base using some vgan meatballs. It was quick, easy, and tasted good.

Tuscan Meatballs

Tuscan Meatballs

Finishing off with some more St Daulfour jam, this time the mango and passionfruit. I loved the tropical flavour this had, though I always struggle texturally with gritty passionfruit seeds. I mostly used this is overnight oats.

Mango and Passionfruit Jam

Hope everyone is hanging in there.

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post


Boo had a rough day yesterday. I'd noticed that one of her back claws was sticking out funny, and she was licking it, and it smelled funky. Of course she wouldn't let me touch it. So she had to come to work with me, stay in hospital for the day being furious, and then got sedated. Turns out she had just broken her claw and it had gotten infected, so it is all cleaned up and she had antibiotics. But she was so miffed by the whole experience. I'm sorry Boo that my attempts to keep you healthy are met with such disdain! Forgive me.


  1. I have never heard of hojocha flavor. Wow it sounds so yummy. Wish I could share a bowlful right now! Sorry to hear about Boo's rough day - but thank goodness you acted quickly and avoided a bigger issue. - Sri.

    1. I'd love to share a bowl of ice cream with you!

      Boo is all back to her normal self, thankfully.

  2. I'm glad Boo is on the mend! I picked up that same mayo from Cheaper Buy Miles a couple of weeks ago and haven't tried it yet. I have definitely spent more on icecream, especially during lockdowns. XD
