Thursday 10 August 2023

Midweek Munchies

Another random assortment of things I ate at some point in history. I think I have caught up to things from this year at least!

I needed croutons for a salad I was making and I didn't want to make my own, so I was able to get these in our weekly Coles delivery. They are absolutely delicious! Great on salads, great even just for snacking on.

Vegan Croutons

I have been on a little bit of a vegan lolly kick over the last several months. I don't remember where I got these from (I suspect some sort of online order) and I don't really remember what I thought of them. But this is a brand of vegan gummy lollies.

Vegan Lollies

The final I Should Souvlaki protein I got was the BBQ chicken-style, so this is another souvlaki made with that.

I Should Souvlaki

These pastrami slices are the same brand as some of the ham and the salami I shared in a recent Midweek Munchies post. The pastrami is my favourite. It is still a bit dry, but I really like the flavour.

Plantitude Smoked Pastrami

Some fun vegan wafer rolls I found kicking around in my pantry. There is something just so fun about eating these.

Wafer Rolls

A while ago I bought a heap of different flavours of St Dalfour jams, but I wasn't using them because I don't tend to eat jam on bread. Then I decided to use them in my overnight oats. This pineapple and mango one was delicious, it has a lovely sweet tropical flavour.

Pineapple and Mango Jam

Finally, Vegie Delights brought out these chicken-style sausages. They fall firmly into the camp of very obviously not a meaty-sausage, but I generally prefer that. They had a pretty mild flavour, but I enjoyed them.

Vegie Delights Chicken Sausages

Vegie Delights Chicken Sausages

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post

Eloise and Mirabelle

Last night while I was reading I had both Eloise and Mirabelle snuggling up to me. That is my leg between them. Living the dream.


  1. Jam in overnight oats is such a great idea!

    1. I eat them most mornings before work these days, so I am always looking for fun and easy ways to make new flavour combinations.
