Sunday 6 August 2023

Eating Out: Brisbane Vegan Twilight Markets (June 2023)

Hello, it is Sunday. I spent the last few days miserable with a stomach bug, but it seems to be slowly improving now. I hope you have all be well. When I am in a normal blogging rhythm, I would do a recipe round-up on a Sunday, but I just didn't feel like it, so I am doing another vegan markets instead. That may not seem like a big deal, but when your brain makes up arbitrary but very rigid rules for life, being able to alter them to what I feel like doing withouth my brain spiraling is pretty major. Hurrah for tiny steps. Anyway, you are not here for brain talk, you are here for food!

Let's jump back in to some of the twilight vegan markets, this time for June. It is nice in winter months because they sun is pretty much gone, though it is nippy! But you get lovely early sunsets.

Sunset at Brisbane Vegan Twilight Markets

I went with my mum, and we shared a bunch of things. First up we split another okinomiyaki from :D Select, this time topped with eggplant, tonkatsu sauce, and miso mustard. So good, but again so filling, so it was nice to share this.

Okonomiyaki with Eggplant, Tonkatsu Sauce, and Mustard Mayo from :D Select at Brisbane Vegan Twilight Markets

We also stopped by Oh Mien and got some BBQ buns and some Fried Chicken with Plum Sauce. The fried chicken was cauliflower, and was really nice. As someone who can only eat a little bit of fried food before feeling sick, it was again lovely to have something to share with!

Fried Chicken with Plum Sauce and BBQ Buns from Oh Mien at Brisbane Vegan Twilight Markets

We finished up with the Duck Tacos from Holy Taco, which were excellent. These has BBQ duck, cucumber, carrot, coriander, salsa, and tomatillo sauce. These were such a great combination of flavours, I do recommend.

Duck Tacos from Holy Taco at Brisbane Vegan Twilight Markets

My mum got some pretty cupcakes from Pippa's Pantry to take home.

Cupcakes from Pippa's Pantry at Brisbane Vegan Twilight Markets

And I got some sweets from Vegetabelle. I was just getting some of my favourite lemon meringue tarts and some smores cookies, but then I saw they had apple crumble cheesecake (which I verified did not have any coconut oil or coconut cream in it) and raspberry rosewater blondies, so I had to get one of each. Everything was incredible, as it always is from Vegetabelle. That make gluten free food taste not gluten free.

Lemon Meringue Tarts, Apple Crumble Cheesecake, Rasperry Rosewater Blondie, Smores Cookies from Vegetabelle at Brisbane Vegan Twilight Markets

Hope you are all hanging in there.

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post


Today is Eloise's one year adoptiversary! One year of the sweetest biggest tenderhearted tiny baby, one year of the bunniest of butts, one year of legs everywhere. I hope the universe is kind and gives us many more years together.


  1. I, too, hope for a kind universe! I know just what you mean about using routines to cope with things and getting thrown off, but good for you for making peace with where you are right now, and for getting some good food in with good company.

    1. An ongoing process, but every little win counts!

  2. So sorry to hear about your stomach bug! You just got over your bad fibro flare too. Hope you can put all this behind you and are feeling better. Sounds like a lovely and yummy day with your mom. Cute pic of Eloise and I too am hoping the universe is kind to you now and always 😊 - Sri.

    1. Thank you! I am not completely recovered but I am feeling much better now. It was a rough few weeks there!
