Thursday, 1 August 2019

VeganMoFo 2019 #1: Hello! It's me! Again!

Thursday 1st: Introduce yourself – Tell us about yourself, your veganism, why you’re participating this year, and anything else we need to know!

Hello friends, and welcome to a new year of VeganMoFo! I am super excited to follow along all your adventures, and also to share my own. A bit about me? Well, my name is Susan. I'm a queer (bi ace aro), redheaded, cat lady vegan who lives in Brisbane, Australia. I've been vegan for almost 19 years, and am 100% vegan for the animals first and foremost. I love cooking, baking, and (of course) eating! I have a lot of cookbooks, and I am trying to make as many recipes as I can from each of them. The last several years have also seen an explosion of vegan options in Brisbane, so I am trying to eat at all those places as well!

I am a cat lady for life. I live with cats, work with cats, everything cats. I have one sweet little lady, Dim Sim, who is 19 years old and is my life. Long term readers have also been with me through the loss of her sisters, Gizmo and Sahara, and our family cat Possum.

Other interests include Buffy (the show of my heart and best show ever), bikram yoga, first generation My Little Ponies (I have a collection!), unicorns and dinosaurs, watching a lot of TV, blogging, and I am about to start trying to live with some plants.

I am going rogue for this year of VeganMoFo, and except for the first two and the final prompt, will be doing my own thing. I'm going to be doing an A-Z theme, which could include anything from cookbooks (I'll be doing some shorter than usual recipe round-ups, we all have a lot to read this month!), blogs, events, restaurants, ingredients, or whatever I feel like. As long as I can relate it back to vegan food!

I also end every post with a kitty photo! This year, my MoFo kitty theme is going to be... Cats In Beds!

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post

Basket full of kittens

Let's kick this party off with a cat bed full of kittens!


  1. I'm super excited to see your Mofo posts!!
    I want all those kittens!

    1. I just want to stick my head in the bed with them!

  2. Aaah! Cats in beds! Can't wait to see them all & to follow along with your MoFo adventures!

    1. It will be a fun kitty theme, that's for sure. So much cuteness to come.

  3. Yay!!! Happy MoFo!! I love your theme, I'm so excited to see your posts! It was nice to learn more about you and hooray for cute kitty pics! <3

    1. Thank you, I am excited to see yours as well.

  4. Happy MoFo! I'm looking forward to your A-Z posts, and I can't wait to see more cats in beds!

  5. I guess I have gone rogue, myself! Looking forward to reading along with you.

  6. Yey vegan mofo!

    I do love the themed posts, so go rogue with pride!

    1. I think most of us are going rogue this year, I love all the variety of things I will get to read about!
