Wednesday 26 July 2023

Midweek Munchies

Thank you for lovely comments. I am back today with a midweek munchies roundup. So much food, so little time.

I bought these on sale because they sounded good and they were good! They were definitely sweet and didn't really have a crunchy cracker texture, they were a bit softer kind of like a very thin cookie. Excellent with a cup of tea.

Fruit Crackers

Another fun flavour from the now sadly defunct Sweet Dreams. This was the freckle, which is what it looks like. A bar of chocolate covered in hundreds and thousands, just like a giant, thick freckle. Are chocolate freckles an Australian thing? Or do you have them in other places?

Sweet Dreams Freckle Chocolate

I tried this new vegan microwave meal. The sauce was delicious but the beans were undercooked and not great for the tummy, which was a shame.

Super Vegan Meal

A couple of silly Fry's products that I made for a silly lunch. These were both fine. I wish they had a bit more crunch and flavour, but it was still fun. Lots of ketchup.

Fry's Chicken-Style Snacks

Fry's Chicken-Style Snacks

I really enjoy this Strawberry & Rhubarb jam from St Dalfours. It is excellent on toast, with peanut butter, in overnight oats, or on ice cream. I love how their jams are not too sweet.

St Dalfours Jam

Finally, a classic. The Not Burger by Vegie Delights. I thought I was grabbing their chicken-style burgers, but then realised it was a not burger when I got home. It was a fun little blast from the past. I don't know quite how to describe a not burger. They are not like a veggetable patty, but also aren't trying to be beefy or chickeny. They just are. I still prefer the BBQ burgers and chicken-style burgers, but these are a solid option. They were one of the first vegan burgers available so many years ago that weren't just absolutely tasteless mush.

Not Burgers

Not Burgers

How is everyone doing? What is everyone up to? I am hoping to go in see Barbie soon, at a non-peak movie viewing time and with my N-95 firmly suctioned onto my face. Has anyone else seen it? This month has been all about Taylor Swift and Barbie. Next month, I am going to be all about Heartstopper and Red, White, & Royal Blue. What is driving your personality right now?

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post


This fuzzy little silhouette is Mirabelle sitting on top of my yesterday. I couldn't got to work and spent all morning in bed with a fibro flare, and this little sweetheart plopped herself on my and purred her little heart out. She is smol, but her purr is big.


  1. Squeal - another new post! Goodness those Freckles look divine. You probably need to eat them over a big bowl to catch all the sprinkles. Sorry to hear about your fibro flair. And yes I am going to see the Barbie movie this weekend. So excited! - Sri.

    1. I hope you liked the Barbie movie. It was so fun.

  2. So good to see you! I'm struggling, honestly, but cautiously hopeful. A savory thing with a cookie-like texture is so good--sometimes oat cakes are like that. I like to have them with a bit of cheese. But I don't know what a freckle is when associated with food, no, sorry!

    1. Cautiously hopeful is something. <3 A freckle is normally a small, thin circle of chocolate that has hundreds and thousands all over it. Maybe it is an Australian thing.
