I don't know how it has been almost three months since I have posted on here. Time and things just got away from me. Then I fell into a spiral where I was really far behind on catching up on blog posts, but then for some reason blogger and google wouldn't communicate properly and stopped me from commenting a bunch, so then I felt bad about posting again before I'd caught up. Which is silly talk, I can post and then catch up! Also I have fixed the blogger/google thing so now I can comment again on the posts I still haven't read.
So, what have I been doing?? I have been pretty much working, being with my cats, and my hyperfixation on Our Flag Means Death is as strong as ever. Did you know that MAX cancelled the show even though pre-production for the third season was already underway, and it is one of their highest rating shows?? They did. And it may sound silly, but that really put me in a very not good place. Thankfully part of my OFMD hyperfixation is that I have a wonderful community online of fellow fans, how great is that! Also, we are going to save our show, or possibly die trying.
With that in mind, before you read on could you please visit
SaveOFMD.com and sign the petition? Sign it from every email account you have. Share it with your friends, family, colleagues, strangers. The petition is just one part of the campaign to save the show, but every signature could help!
But I know what you are here for, food times! So, time to finish up my adventures with my friends who visited me in November. On our final day, we went to a vegan market. Not one of the regular Brisbane Vegan Markets, this was a ticketed event for one weekend only. I was thinking it was going to be like the
Brisbane Vegan Expo I'd been to before. I could not have been more wrong. It was tiny, and had almost no interesting stalls. We were so disappointed. Luckily, it at least had a small collection of food stalls that we visited. And it was in a pretty location.

Helen went straight for this plate of Balinese food.

I started with some tofu rice paper rolls. Molly also got a noodle bowl from the same stall, but I forgot to take a photo of that!

And Sharnette tried a cheeseburger served on a doughnut bun from Vegood!

I also got a pretzel with mustard beer sauce, and a trio of bao from Vegood.

And we all got some lychee iced tea, lychee was the flavour of the day!

What did we do after this? We went home and did... things. I don't quite remember what we got up to in the afternoon. But I do remember we got pizza for dinner from Pizza Hut, and everyone was very impressed that we had several pizza chains with vegan options. We also had fairy bread and Vegemite on toast, and watched the movie of What We Do In The Shadows.
We had a pretty low key day for the final day, starting with Helen making us all beans on toast. This is a very common thing here in Australia, but apparently not in the US!

We ate some vegan meat pies for lunch (apparently also not a thing in the US) and then went back to The Green Edge for everyone to do a final shop. Then home for Helen to make us dinner! Helen and Molly had bought some Plant Based Garlic Kievs, and we cooked those up with some sauteed brocollini and roasted potatoes.

Early the next morning, I took them to the airport and they headed off to Sydney. I had so much fun with them while they were here! Australia is so far away from most of the rest of the world, and Brisbane doesn't have the general appeal of Melbourne or Sydney, so the fact that they came and spent a whole week with me was so special! And I'm always open to visitors from cool overseas friends!!
I plan to be back as much as I can. I still have so many photos to share for things! Though lately I have hardly been cooking, thanks fibro! Chronic pain and fatige sucks. I also have some cool things coming up - I am going to Sydney on the weekend to see Taylor's final Australian Era's show on Monday the 26th of Feb, and then this time in two months I will be on my Scotland/Barcelona adventure! All with my N95 mask strapped to my face, of course.
How have you all been??
Cute Kitty Photo of the Post

Ignore the messy background, but this is a rare photo of all of the girls! They are all doing pretty well, and are as adorable as ever!