That was a long ramble. And I know you are actually here for snacks. Well, OK, some of you are here for cats, and the snacks are just a bonus. Time for some munchies.
The frustrating quest for stevia-free kombucha and water kefir continues. I found these Buchi cans in funny flavours, and may I say they were both very good. Of course, they are super hard to find unless I want to buy and entire case of them online, and who has the fridge room for that? But next time I see them in the wild I will definitely pick up some more. Of course, I have forgotten where I bought them the first time.

I bought this GF Hemp Rigatoni to use when my brother was here the last time, but we didn't end up using it then. So I made it a while ago to use it up, and it is awful. It absolutely just fell apart and turned into pasta fragments in the gummiest of ways. The sauce I put on it barely saved it.

Chocolate bar the first. This was like eating a very rich Vego-style bar. Was it good? I honestly can't remember. So I can only imagine that it was fine. I remember when things are incredible, and when things are bad.

Chocolate bar the second. This was not good, and mostly tasted like chalky protein poweder. I had also bought one of their hazelnut flavoured ones, which suffered from the same issue.

Tasti makes my favourite fruity snack balls. Here are two flavours I tried recently - the apple and the blackberry. The blackberry one had a very very strong blackberry flavour. The apple one is sweet and mild.

I don't remember where I got these mushroom snacks, possibly a supermarket, possibly The Green Edge, but they were good. They have a mix of mushrooms in them.

Finally, some vegan gummies a friend sent me. These had three flavours - apple, blackberry, and orange. The apple was my absolute favourite, but the orange had a funny aftertaste to it. The blackberry was nice. I would love to get just a whole bag of the apple ones!

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post

BIG YAWN from Eloise.