First there was bowling, which is always fun! The Jens had also obtained a tiara (with pink flashing gems) and an 'It's My Birthday' badge for me to wear, which thoughtfully helped me blend in with the crowd.

Afterwards we went for dinner at Loving Hut, where they arranged for my passionfruit cheesecake to come with a little something extra. It has been a long time since anyone has sung happy birthday to me in a restaurant with the lights turned down!
After dinner, we went back to Little Jen's place and played on the Wii, which I had never experienced before. We played Mario something or rather, which was rather fun if a little frustrating. Then I played this game called My Vet Practice, or something... which is completely crap and full of LIES and contains no actually correct veterinary information within it. So I got a little cranky at it. ;)
The next day, Little Jen and I went to a Green Living Festival. To be honest, it was kind of a disappointment. But we did buy these awesome herb towers - I am in the process of finishing planting mine up at the moment so photos will come soon! Also it was at the same place as the weekly Mount Gravatt Farmer's Markets, so at least I got some nice fruit and vegetables!
Afterwards, because it was a glorious day, we went for an impromptu picnic down by the bay.

We had outselves a lovely spread - rolls, greens, beetroot, tomatoes, hummus, avocado and sprouts. Ignore the cheese slices and tuna cans - they are in no way associated with me! I just forgot to take them out of the photo.

After lunch, we had a kindy nap under the trees!

And then went for a lovely walk along the bay. Unfortunately, despite all my best efforts I did get rather sunburned. *sigh* But it was a lovely day. :D
Cute Kitty Photo of the Post

Behold this amazing sight! Dim Sim in voluntary contact with Sahara! This has only been witnessed one other tme in history, and is caught here on camera to prove it happens. The previous time had been because Sahara and I were sitting in front of our little fan heater in Sydney, and Dim Sim (who is a heat hog) crept in. But here she is, touching Sahara, on my mother's lap. Why? Who knows. It hasn't happened again.