The first course, and the only remaining aspect of his original menu request, was Potato-Edamame Samosas with Coconut-Mint Chutney from Vegan With A Vengeance. I was sososososo happy with how these turned out, they were so cute!

First, take your adorable samosas! I like these because they are baked and not fried. I don't like fried things, too much oil makes me feel ill. So baking is fabulous!

Then make your chutney.

Then put them on a serving plate together.

Then NOM!
They were fantastic! I found that I had some filling left over that didn't fit in the dough, but it is so tasty that it really isn't too much of a hardship to finish it up as left overs. I think I had some on toast for lunch the next day. The chutney is lovely, though is quite runny and I think next time I would add some more mint.

The main course was African Sweet Potato and Peanut Stew from Vegan Planet. It is a really fantastic flavour combination, all yummy and thich and creamy!

And is even better served with a side of sauteed broccolini!

The final part of the meal was Pear Upside Down Pudding from Now Vegan. This is an amazing pudding with a fabulous taste. It has a lot of ginger in it, and the topping turns into a glorious sticky and toffee like substance. I highly recommend!