Tuesday, 19 November 2024

UK/Spain 2024 Part 9: Last day in Scotland


I don't know why all good things must come to an end, but sadly the Scotland portion of my trip was rapidly coming to its conclusion. For my last full day in Scotland, we just hung out at Jojo's house, ate food, visited the sheepies, watched every Taylor Swift music video in chronological order. You know, regular things like that.

When I first got there Jojo wrote this super cute list for food planning of things we were going to eat while we were at her place. The highlighted ones were the ones we still needed to eat on the last day. The only thing we didn't manage to make was fairy bread, which is fine because as an Australian we invented fairy bread and I can eat it whenever I want.

Our Food List

The chocolate croissants were some randomly vegan friendly frozen ones from a supermarket. I can't remember what their brand was because I didn't take a photo of it. They were not really croissants, more like chocolate filled buns, maybe? But they were yummy once we baked them.

Chocolate Croissant

Finally, after hearing about them so many times, I tried Bourbon Creams! And learned that they pronouce the word 'bourbon' differently in the UK compared to here. These chocolate filled chocolate biscuits have nothing to do with the alcohol bourbon, and are very nice.

Bourbon Biscuits

I had to have a tiny nibble of the Babybel plant based cheese, because I loved Babybel cheese when I would younger in my pregan days. Only a tiny nibble though, because it is made of like 90% coconut oil and I could tell.

Babybell vegan cheese

Hawaiian Pizza! I wish I could remember if this was frozen or partly home made but I cannot. Fibro brain fog is real and my memory is kind of trash these days. And of course I didn't write anything down this trip. But I feel like it was partly premade and we added some extra toppings to make it better.

Hawaiian pizza

We had some leftover cheeses that we finished up, along with some of the Philadelphia Vegan Cream Cheese. I liked it! Bring it to Australia please Philadelphia!

Cheese platter

Then it was my final visit to see the sheepies, and walk around Jojo's lovely property.



The Field Shelter

Back at the house, we made some fun afternoon tea! I enjoyed both of these.



And I finally tried a sip of IrnBru, Scotland's famous soft drink. I don't drink fizzy drinks (except for kombucha), but I simply had to have a taste. What does it taste like? Kind of orange? But not quite?


After our rather varied day of snacks, Jojo made us a lovely dinner of undo noodles, tofu, peanut sauce, and pickled cucumbers.

Peanut Udon Noodles

And that was my last full day in Scotland. Sadly. Next post will be about flight and time in London. Which is fine, but not Scotland. Turns out I love Scotland. More than I love Seattle. Anyway, now my life goal is to move to Scotland.

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post


Peps! Had a lovely time getting to know this girl.


  1. This sounds like a perfect last day in Scotland. I love Jojo’s food list and might just try some of the items myself. -Sri.

  2. That udon noodle dish looks so good! Jojo seems like fun.

    1. Seriously everyone should have a Jojo in their life. She's the best!

  3. I'd say a life dream of moving to Scotland is an excellent dream! I love that you were able to make it through your list and that you had such a great time and I agree, Jojo sounds wonderful!

    1. I wish Scotland wasn't so far away! I need to go back. Jojo is the very best and I miss her.
