Thursday, 14 November 2024

UK/Spain 2024 Part 6: TTPD day and Aberdeen

Another blog post!

The 19th of April was a sacred day in the Swiftie calendar. The day that The Tortured Poets Department album by Taylor Swift dropped. Not only that, but Our Lady Of Swift surprised us all with an additional 15 songs two hours with an additional anthology released. Jojo and I are both big fans, and we were SO excited that we were going to be able to listen to the album for the first time together. We didn't listen to it at the exact time it dropped, that was 5am and we were asleep and then Jojo had to go and do the morning sheepies things. But afterwards we made breakfast (similar to last time), got ourselves comfy in the lounge room, and hit play.

This is the actual view from Jojo's lounge room! So pretty.

View from cottage window

We snacked throughout the day. There were some chips involved. The pickled onions one were a bit too onionish for my sadly these days onion-sensitive stomach, but the cheddar and red onion ones were incredible! The right amount of onion for me.


We just made some sandwiches for lunch. A combination of some of the cheeses I've already posted about, plus tomato, plus greens, plus these nice slices that I found at one of the shops.


Because we are 1. the cutest and 2. gay, Jojo made us some strawberry matcha iced lattes from scratch to celebrate Taylor day! While we wore our flannels. This was sooooo delicious, and kicked off a strawberry matcha obsession that is still going strong.

Matcha Strawberry Latte by Jojo

We spent a lot of time listening to the music, picking apart the lyrics, losing our minds at various parts. It was such a wholesome Swiftie day! I should also mention that every time Jojo and I were driving together, we were singing along to Taylor as well. So much fun!

I went with Jojo to hang out with the sheepies for a bit in the afternoon! Enjoy this rare selfie of me. Getting a selfie with a sheep is as hard as getting a selfie with a cat!




Obsessed forever with the cottage.


Jojo made us tatty scones, tofu scramble, and sausages for dinner. We watched some more Our Flag Means Death. It was so fun introducing Jojo to this show and my beloved gay pirates!


The next day we drove to Aberdeen to go to Jojo's friend's birthday. I'd had the chance to chat to this friend online, and it was really fun to meet them! And some other friends as well. I've realised the only photo I took that day was of the food I had for lunch! We went to a place called Foodstory, which is all vegetarian with several vegan options. By the time we got there they'd finished serving the brunch menu and most of the Susan and Jojo friendly vegan options were gone (neither of us can eat chilli), so we both got some of the soup (can I remember what it was, no I cannot... looking at the photo I want to say potato and dill) with bread, and it really was lovely. I also got a turmeric latte, and a Swedish cinnamon bun!

Foodstory Aberdeen

We got home pretty late that night, and just had a dinner of snacks and leftovers.

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post


Peps surveying her kingdom through the window.


  1. Turmeric lattes are so soothing. I'm glad you had a good time in Scotland!

    1. I love a turmeric latte! They are sometimes hard to come by, in which case I'll take a matcha.

  2. I am so glad you got to bask in your Swiftie joy with a good friend listening to the new album. And you two are definitely the cutest with your strawberry matcha iced lattes. I am now craving something I never heard of before! - Sri.

    1. I had heard of the matcha strawberry lattes before but this was my first one and I am HOOKED! So good! You just need to make sure you get a place that does it with proper matcha, and uses fresh pureed strawberries and not just strawberry syrup.

  3. That looks like a really cosy time. I especially love the tatty scones!

    1. Tatty scones are lovely! They should be a thing here.

  4. What a fun, cozy day! The sheep are so precious! It sounds like you've made some really great memories on this trip 😊
