Sunday, 6 September 2015

VeganMoFo 2015 #6: Harvest Bowl

6: Recreate a restaurant meal.

I am looking forward to reading the fancy-pants restaurant-inspired fine dining meals that many of you are going to be creating. I took a slightly easier path, given some time constraints, however I think that good restaurant food can come from anywhere, including some chain restaurants.

Last year in Seattle I visited Veggie Grill and enjoyed the Harvest Bowl, which is a yummy bowl including super grains, kale, roasted vegetables, porcini mushrooms, Field Roast sausage, miso gravy and hemp seeds.

Harvest Bowl at Veggie Grill (Downtown)

I just so happened to have some Field Roast Apple Sage Sausages in my freezer than I brought home from this year's US trip, and the rest was history. Instead of steamed kale I served it over baby spinach, and I just used straight quinoa instead of any sort of grain mix. I roasted broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and red onion for the vegetabls. I didn't have any porcini mushrooms, so I roasted some quartered swiss brown mushrooms. For the gravy I used the Miracle Miso Gravy recipe from La Dolce Vegan, but I added some of the roasted mushroom juices to it and I also added a bit of browning liquid because I like my gravy dark. It was good gravy!

Harvest Bowl

The end result was fantastic, very yummy! I realise now as I type this that I forgot to add the hemp seeds, but I don't think it missed out on too much for that. This was super easy to put together as well.

Look how pretty the roasted vegetables looked on their own!

Roasted Vegetables

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post: Month of Gizmo

Gizmo's Lazy Sunday Afternoon Snooze

Gizmo was a big fan of the afternoon snooze.


  1. Ooh, this is just the kind of food I love! Those sausages are amazing. We've just started to be able to get them in England. I think they're my favourite vegan sausages ever!

  2. Yours looks pretty similar to the restaurant-made meal, well done! That mix of roast veg looks so great!

  3. Field Roast makes the best sausages! Your bowl looks so good! I wouldn't mind murdering that for lunch. Do you always carry a tiny note pad with you? I do too! My brain can't be trusted to remember things. Tiny note pads FTW!

  4. Wouldn't you know I thought I had commented on these blogposts? I had too many windows open and after commenting, my browser crashed and they didn't go through and I'm just noticing now. Darn.
    Anyway - I looooooove Veggie Grill. I live quite close to one, which is dangerous. And they have a Bombay Bowl which is quite good, I haven't tried this bowl yet so I'll have to check it out. Yours looks so good!
