Sunday 19 May 2024

UK/Spain 2024 Part 3: Edinburgh again

The next morning we all slept in, I slept for 11 hours, sorely needed after all that travel! We woke up, and started our morning with some vegan chocolate pop tarts from Aldi. I was told they tasted like warm bourbon biscuits, but I'd never had one of them. I also learned that English people and Australian people say bourbon very differently.

Chocolate Pop Tarts

Jojo and I said our goodbyes, then headed out for a little Edinburgh adventure before driving the two hours to Jojo's house in rural Scotland. Our first stop was the Black Rabbit Edinburgh, a vegan cafe and deli. Unfortunately, they were out of the benedict I was hoping to order. So instead I ordered the Black Rabbit Bagel (essentially a BLAT on a bagel), and a lovely turmeric latte. Jojo ordered the Nae Egg and Cress Sandwich (and tofu egg sandwich). I also bought a couple of cheeses to try later on.

Black Rabbit Bagel at Black Rabbit Edinburgh

Turmeric Latte at Black Rabbit Edinburgh

Nae "Egg & Cress" Sandwich at Black Rabbit Edinburgh

Jojo also got some strawberry cheesecake. I tried a bit, it was lovely!

Strawberry Cheesecake at Black Rabbit Edinburgh

A pretty Edinburgh park.


Our next stop was Lighthouse Bookshop, a radical bookshop in Edinburgh. I also wanted to visit here because a bookshop called Lighthouse is very Stede from OFMD coded, if you know, you know. Yes, I'm still on my gay pirate bullshit, I will never get off it. It was a very cool bookshop, of course soooo many books that I wanted to buy. But I contented myself with one.

Lighthouse Bookshop

Just down the road from the bookshop was Yi Fang Bubble Tea, where Jojo introduced me to the joys of matcha brown sugar bubble tea. This was SO GOOD!

Matcha Brown Sugar Bubble Tea at Yi Fang

More Edinburgh being pretty.


Our final stop was Considerit, a vegan bakery. It was almost the end of the day for them, which meant they were sold out of a lot of things, and the remaining things were all extremely icing heavy. But we did get a bag of cinnamon sugar doughnut holes, which were delightful.

Cinnamon Sugar Doughnut Holes from Considerit

After that, it was a drive back to Jojo's place! We stopped at a Tesco, to pick up some supplies on the way. Next time, hanging out with sheep in rural Scotland!

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post


Another photo of the very handsome Kobi. Since I've returned home, Kobi has gotten a new kitty brother! So exciting.


  1. You really packed a lot into your vacation. Fun food, locations, and friends. And I will be dreaming about that bubble tea! - Sri
