Friday, 13 May 2016

CFS May Vegan Mystery Box

Time for another monthly Cruelty Free Shop Vegan Mystery Box. I guess they have changed the parameters of the box. Originally it was meant to be 10 mystery items a month, though for the last two months one of those items has been a recipe. This month there were nine items, one of which was a recipe. They have been putting the value of each item next to it on the information sheet, so perhaps they have changed to minimum value rather than a certain number of items? Hmmm.... Let's see what is in the box!


  • Extra-Ordinary Kale Chips with Cashew Vegan Cheese: I don't often buy kale chips, because they are expensive, so this was a welcome addition. Especially being a cheesy flavour!
  • Nakula Coconut Water: I love coconut water (especially post-bikram!), but I am picky about brands (some brands taste like dirty foot water). I haven't tried this brand before, so I am hoping it will be refreshing and not foot-like!
  • Bonvita Chocolate Coated Rice Cakes: These are fun, and I have already cracked this open. I made a fun snack by spreading one with some speculoos spread and topping it with some raspberries.
  • Biona Organic Jelly Dino Lollies: I normally don't eat a lot of lollies (too sweet), so I be interested to see what these are like. I did just down an entire bag of vegan gummies from the US last week because they were nice and tart and not too sweet at all, so hopefully these will be similar.
  • Coconut Magic Raw Cocoa Energy Bar: I approach with caution, because coconut fat and I are not a good mix.
  • Colgin Hickory Liquid Smoke: I recently bought a huge bottle of a new type of liquid smoke, which is super strong so will last me a very long time, but I honestly believe you can never really have too much liquid smoke. This will have its day!
  • Dr McDougall's Garlic Vegetable Noodle Soup: I enjoy McDougall soups and noodles, and this is a new flavour so will be good to try. Noodle and soup cups are excellent to take when you fly, airlines always have hot water to spare!
  • Clif Coconut Chocolate Chip Bar: I am pretty committed to the Clif Crunchy Peanut Butter bars. Other flavours tend to not live up to my expectations. Still, this is a new flavour so I will give it a try. But crunchy peanut butter is forever.
  • A recipe for tofu bacon using the liquid smoke.

Next month is the last month of my gift subscription, and then I will need to decide if I continue or not. I do enjoy it, and the products have been pretty cool, though I would prefer that recipes didn't count as a product! The first two boxes had a fancy fun teabag included, and I would much prefer something small like that instead. What do you think?

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post

Sahara recovery from leg surgery

Don't panic! Sahara is fine. This photo is from a few years ago, when she had to have surgery to fix a luxating patella (loose kneecap). She had to have that big bandage on her leg for several days, but you can see she found the best way to keep herself comfy with it. I just love her patient, sleepy little face in this photo. She has been doing well with her patella since then. Fingers crossed!


  1. I wouldn't really want a recipe instead of a product either. I have plenty of recipes. Plus they seem more like a bonus type of item. I would much rather have teabags!

    1. Yes. I have so many recipes and, even if I didn't, I know how to Google.

  2. Awww, I did panic slightly! Poor kitty. But I'm glad her knee is doing ok now :)

    1. She did really well with her surgery. :)

  3. I would have a huge problem with a recipe counting as a product myself. I think if anything a recipe should be just an extra bonus. I agree with Mia, I would rather have a teabag, or anything that's an actual product!
    Sahara is so sweet, I'm glad she's doing better!

  4. I would definitely prefer the teabag. I think when you've been vegan as long as we have and have big cookery book collections and are avid blog readers you've kind of got all your bases covered recipe wise but I suppose the recipe would be useful to people new to vegaism. I made a smokey bacon mayonnaise the other week with aquafaba and liquid smoke. When I have perfected the recipe I'll put it on the blog.

    1. Smoky bacon mayo? Sounds amazing! Can't wait to see the recipe.

  5. Aw poor kitty. I know you said the photo is older, but cats in casts make me sad. Maybe it is because my friend's one cat would get surgeries and not heal enough before jumping all over the place.

    The chocolate coconut chip bar is one of my favorite clif bar flavors. I hope you like it!

    1. Sahara was a very good girl with her bandage. And when it came off she cage rested for another week to make sure everything was A-OK before jumping began again.

  6. Sounds like you got some fun things. I agree, you never can have too much liquid smoke ;)
    I have never come across coconut water that tastes like feet... I hope I never do!
    I'd probably cancel the box myself. We were getting a box subscription for our pup (I know - completely different!) and at first it was really great, but went downhilll after several months. So we cancelled it. I'm happy with my decision. But you should keep it if you still like it =)
    Sahara really does look patient! What a cute kitty.

    1. Coconut foot water is a well known complaint. You are lucky not to have been assaulted with such grossness.
      I am still undecided on the box, though I have some plane tickets to buy at the same time that the subscription needs to be renewed, so that will probably make my decision for me.
