Sunday, 27 October 2019

Recipe Round-Up: Vegan Vittles Second Helpings

I know just a few weeks ago I was griping about buying new editions of cookbooks, only to end up with most of the recipes you have anyway. Which is why I wasn't going to buy the second edition of Vegan Vittles (which I talked about in my last recipe round-up). But sometimes you are at a second hand bookstore, and you see a copy of the second edition for AU$10, so why not? Which is what I did. This book has a lot of the same recipes as the first one (some with modifications), and also a bunch of new stuff. As a second hand book, it also has some notes in it from the previous owner, which I love! I write notes in all my cookbooks, and one day I hope someone enjoys them as well. Let's get onto some food.

Chickpea Tuna Salad: Always a classic. This version was quite tangy thanks to some fresh lemon juice. It doesn't have mayo in it, but went very nicely with mayo on a sandwich. I left out the raw green onion (and added a pinch of onion powder) and the parsley (I didn't have any), and I also used some aquafaba from the tin of chickpeas instead of the oil.
Rating: :)

Chickpea Tuna Salad

Pickle, Tahini, and Tomato Sandwiches (PLTs): This is a fun little combination, and made from things I almost always have in my house. The only change I made was the use baby spinach instead of lettuce leaves on the sandwich, and I left out the optional red onion.
Rating: :)

Pickle, Tahini, and Tomato Sandwiches (PLTs)

Noodles and Greens: This is a simple recipe, but is utterly delicious thanks to umeboshi vinegar and smoked tofu. It was delicious, savoury, and smoky. I used kales as my greens, rather than collard leaves as we don't have them here. Rather than slicing and simmering them, I just blanched them using first a kettle of boiling water, and then I left them in the strainer when I tipped out the pasta for a second blanching. It is topped with sauteed smoked tofu, which I sauteed and added a splash of Braggs to. I also added a sprinkle of soy sauce on top to finish.
Rating: :D

Noodles and Greens

Hot and Sour Pad Thai Noodles: The recipe on its own is fettuccine cooked and stirred through with a tomato based hot and sour sauce, though I left out the heat. The sauce is based on tomato paste and has vinegar in it, so it kind of tasted like ketchup - I added one tablespoon of lime juice to give it a proper sour tang. I also added Soyco Japanese tofu, broccoli, scallions, and coriander. This says four servings, but I would say 2-3.
Rating: :)

Hot and Sour Pad Thai Noodles

Quinoa Primavera: I switched up the veggies a bit, and ended up using carrot, zucchini, mushroom, leek, and spinach. I also increased the amount of dried dill required. I got two satisfying serves with this. I served it with some Hollandaise sauce, which was an excellent accompaniment, but this would be great on its own as well.
Rating: :)

Quinoa Primavera

Red Hot Green Curry: Obviously, I took the heat out of the hot part of this. This is a vegetable curry, with beans, onions, spinach, and zucchini. I also added carrots in place of potatoes, which shockingly I did not have. I did use a tiny bit of red curry paste in this, which made it not very spicy but gave a gentle sweet warmth, and I used some sweet paprika in place of hot paprika and cayenne pepper. I made a half recipe of this, served over jasmine rice, and got two serves.
Rating: :)

Red Hot Green Curry

Cute Kitty Photo of the Post

Dim Sim

Dim Sim went in for a recheck of her bloods after changing her thyroid med dose. Her levels are still a bit higher than we'd like, so we've upped the dose again and we have to go back in another month for a recheck. But otherwise she was good!


  1. I love noodles and greens!! I like to just boil the kale with the pasta to be super simple! I have it less since going gluten free though.
    Oh sweet Dim Sim, I'm glad you're feeling better!!

    1. Oh, that's a good idea too! I love super simple shortcuts.

  2. Vegan Vittles is one of those classics that I never got! So maybe I should get the second edition. That PLT sandwich sounds so weird but kinda good. And the one with smoked tofu and ume plum vinegar sounds amazing!

    1. I definitely recommend it. Even now, when I have so many newer cookbooks, Vegan Vittles still holds up in a lot of ways for me.

  3. Lemon juice sounds like a great addition to chickpea salad!
    Dim Sim is such a cutie!
